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Please join me and the committee of the Jeannette Strong Phillips Scholarship Fund, Inc to congratulate the first recipient, Ms. Alisha Howard of North Carolina for the year 2018-2019. Ms. Alisha contacted me through her aunt, whom I have known for several years. Ms. Alisha’s determination alone speaks volume of her commitment to further educate herself.  Ms. Alisha’s 4.0 GPA was impressive, considering some obstacles she had to endure. Ms. Alisha’s application, documents, recommendations and community service were all in line with the requirements. 



First and foremost, I want to thank God for this wonderful opportunity. Please join me and the committee of the Jeannette Strong Phillips Scholarship Fund, Inc to congratulate the recipient of 2019-2020, Ms. Alisha Howard of North Carolina. Ms. Alisha was the only individual that applied and submitted her application as required. Ms. Alisha’s determination alone speaks volume of her commitment to further educate herself.  Ms. Alisha’s continued 4.0 GPA is very impressive.  

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